Plant Fibers & Proteins
Bitkisel Lifler
Soya Lifi
Buğday Lifi
Selülöz Lifi
Plant Proteins
Soy Proteins: Textured Soy, Soy Concentrate, Soy Isolate
Pea Protein
It enhances the flavor of food.
It supports dough conditions.
It acts as an emulsifier.
It retains moisture.
It contributes to texture development, binding of fats, and prolonging freshness.
Defatted Soy Flour
Textured Soy
Soy Protein Concentrate
Soy Isolate
Bitkisel Lifler
Insoluble fibers are versatile components in meat production.
They provide high fat and water retention capacity.
They reduce syneresis.
They contribute to texture improvement.
They enhance structure development.
They decrease cooking-related losses.
They contribute to increased efficiency.
They are easy to apply.
They provide heat stability.
They add high fiber content.
They support better shaping.
In bakery products, they offer benefits such as prolonged freshness sensation, high dietary fiber content, crust formation, and volume increase.